Sunday, September 17, 2006

Zelda: Twilight Princess: Bad Controls?

After watching some actual gameplay footage on, My cousin and I were pretty underwhelmed at how Twilight Princess was looking when being controlled by the Wii-mote controller. Link looked all screwed up and stiff and the player really seemed to have trouble controlling him. It's like the controls weren't translating into the moves and animation properly.

You can take a look for yourself here if you watch the "Bow and Arrow" clip:

Then I read this short impression by reviewer Geoff Keighley on Gamefly:

" The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is the highest profile release, even though I was kind of underwhelmed by the complicated control scheme at E3 (Rumor has it that Nintendo has changed the controls in response to the negative feedback). "

Seems like we are not the only ones noticing this. The problem could be that the game was originally made for the Gamecube and then later tranlasted over into the Wii's development kit. On the other hand, Metriod Prime 3 looks just fine as far as animation and controls go. I plan to play both the Gamecube Zelda and the Wii version, so we'll see how it goes. The Gamecube version better be spectacular considering they've been working on it for about 5 years. I remember seeing it at the San Diege Comic Con 4 years ago!


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